Organic Wheatgrass Growing Kit w/ Hurricane Stainless Steel Wheat Grass Juicer- Everything to Grow & Juice Wheatgrass Brand : Hurricane |
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- Everything you need: Organic Seeds, Trays, Soil, Fertilizer, Instructions
- Book: Wheatgrass, Sprouts, Microgreens and the Living Food Diet" by Living Whole Foods, Inc.
- Hurricane Manual Juicer
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We soul the somebody Wheatgrass. Some of the Wheatgrass and suppose you will equal it. For your comfort, you do not impoverishment to be complicated. Perceive a Wheatgrass from one to added anymore. The Wheatgrass is meliorate and cheaper here then.There were imbalance clues early on for me. Nearly four years prior to my labeled imbalance, I began to feel that my life was not right. There was an emotional pull to do volunteer work. There was a quest for righting the path to wellness for my patients and for myself. Emotionally I was searching for something. Nothing felt right. I felt out of balance.
A European cruise became a focus in 2009. well that would bring me joy. I was excited about the trip and yet there was still that unsettling feeling. Just one month before my trip I began to notice changes in my right breast. There had been some leaking from the nipple before my last mammogram but it did not set off any alarms.
Later, in my chronic instruction of my curative license, I would study this leaking nipple was a very alarming issue and needed to be observed more closely. I believe all things happen for my top good and this event was unfolding just as it should. I was being guided and I was willing to trust in this process. I set up an appointment for a mammogram for October 9th, 2009. That day altered my life course. I was told by the physician that she was 99% sure she was finding cancer. She instructed me with fear in her eyes and command in her voice that I was to see a surgeon and have an Mri. I phoned my husband from the parking lot to tip off him of this diagnosis. His loving guiding words were that I should go back inside and ask for a copy of the test results. I went back in and collected copies. Having the weekend to process this new information, I asked my physician about the cruise. I found it very difficult to share with my cruise friend that I may need to cancel our cruise. My physician informed me I needed to cancel the cruise and that they, the doctors, were trying to save my life. Two major alarms rang through my body and mind. First, being the strong lovely lady that I am, how was it person else's job to save my life and the second was the word trying. "Trying" left room to not succeed. It left a way out. I realized right there and then that I needed to make my own life decisions. The real demand at hand was did I want to live or die. I truly contemplated this for quite some time, months and months. I was not afraid to die. The only thing that upset me about dying was reasoning of my husband and son. I did not wish to levy this pain on them. These thoughts brought many tears. I knew in my heart this was about me. What did I truly want and what was my purpose here.
My physician set up an appointment for me to see a surgeon. Running on fear, supplied by the label cancer, I went to the appointment. The surgeon appeared very attentive and for this I was grateful. I was informed during this time that I needed a bi-opsy. After questioning why I needed a bi-opsy, I was told there was a occasion it was not cancer. Well as you might imagine, I ran with this thought. Even though the mammogram physician had told me she was 99% sure it was cancer. I was running with the 1% occasion it was not. The bi-opsy appointment was set up and I arrived on time. Feeling very hesitant about the procedure. The bi-opsy sense for me helped solidify my decision of how to proceed. I walked out of the hospital and decided I was fulfilled, with this formula of treatment. I left feeling vulnerable and this was not a state I felt I could heal in.
The next appointment was scheduled to receive the results from the surgeon. At this time she confirmed the imbalance was cancer. I was informed due to the size and position of the tumor that a mastectomy would be required. Reconstructive surgery was a follow-up choice. The cancer was stage 2 and during surgery lymph nodes would be removed to see if the cancer had spread further. According to the surgeon this was the only option I had. Knowing nothing is ever 100% I knew more options were ready to me. I was also informed I would need radiation and chemotherapy. Appointments were set for me to see an oncologist and a radiologist. Within my soul I already knew this was not my path. The cutting away of the cancer imbalance was not my core issue. My happiness and inner peace was what needed to be addressed.
I started researching other courses of medicine to resolve the path I would choose. I decided to begin with two main courses of medicine along with the things I was already implementing, acupuncture, herbs, homeopathics and vitamins. One of the main policy of treatments was to share in an experimental medicine being done in the Bahamas with a laser and an injection. The other was to combine raw food, juicing and wheatgrass as a way of life. At the appointment with the radiologist I shared my decision and she asked that I keep her informed of my progress. The oncologist was kind and provided the test considerable for the medicine in the Bahamas. I prolonged to cry daily for about 10 months. I journaled every morning to publish the emotions within me. I wrote a letter to my family sharing with them my new journey and asking that they not sense me. When I was ready I would sense them. I also stopped talking to most of my friends and acquaintances. I was very sensitive to others reactions to my process, knowing most did not truly retain my choices. Later I found out friends and family stated they would have opted for surgery. I wanted to be clear it was my soul's message I was following, honoring myself and my core beliefs. After clarifying by passion and foraging ahead, I would be ready to speak with my loved ones.
I received the medicine in the Bahamas in November of 2009 and began my raw food adventure after that. I had been a vegetarian for the most part of 32 years and eating raw was a challenge. Some of my friends have expressed that it was easier for me then it would be for them. Well easy it was not. The kitchen has never been my most beloved place. Although I have always loved to bake, ah the sweet tooth. I eliminated all sugar, fruits and cooked grains from my intake. I eliminated all the things that I now know I have addictive tendencies for. I ate vegetables, juiced three times a day and had wheatgrass twice a day. Sprouts, sprouts, sprouts were my main staple. This challenge added to my emotional instability or presented my emotional instability in yet someone else view. My life was changing from focusing on the outer world to focusing on my inner being. How scary. I prolonged journaling, a true blessing. A dear long time friend sent me journals and encouraged me to continue writing each morning. during theses times I was developing new habits. I now had a greenhouse in my life and I was learning the ins and outs of growing sprouts and wheatgrass.
In May of 2010 I started noticing more changes in my breast. The lumps were now visibly growing. Prior to this date I had decided not to follow-up with the medicine in the Bahamas. I was leery of doing the follow-up test and the effects they might have on me. I took a photo of the breast and sent it to the doctors related to the Bahamas treatment. In June they offered to repeat the policy and once again I was informed I needed to run the test first. My whole being was screaming no more tests. I decided not to head somewhere in that direction.
My husband, bless his beautifully supportive soul, was becoming more forceful about me doing some kind of follow-up. This was someone else turning point for me. One evening he expressed his concerns that he felt doing a follow-up was considerable to know where I was at to resolve the next policy of action. I well stood up and put my foot down. I was not doing any more tests and that was my decision. This was someone else new starting for me. After stating my thoughts on testing so strongly, I was able whole heartedly to stand by my own convictions. Thank you dear Robert for caring enough to stand beside me.
I began doing radical sauna's and energetic applications. I spent a lot of time alone during this process. Robert and I attended an alternative cancer consulation in September of 2010. Many eye-opening moments were happening now. I began realizing one could live with cancer and I gained clarity on my own objective of balance. I experienced a schedule at the consulation that does mind mapping and I had two treatments at the conference. A few weeks after these treatments I realized I wanted to live. I was alive! My heart opened and my friends came flowing back into my life.
My next plan was to have Vitamin C Iv's in conjunction with a hyperbaric chamber. Three dear lady friends arrived to sustain me with each treatment. I made an affirmation that past June to trust the path that was in front of me and to accept guidance. After spending time with three lovely lady friends I experienced my relationship with my husband in a brand new way. Acknowledging the positive gifts each one of us has to offer is truly joyful. Knowing this and experiencing it are two entirely distinct things. I now felt true gratitude.
In November of 2010 there was an offer to have a test performed to resolve my status. I was not open to receiving the gift of the test at that time. Upon rising one morning in January of 2011, I had the realization that I had been confirming daily to accept. I accepted the gift of the test. It was time. Receiving the results of the test was an phenomenal moment. I was being told there was no obvious sign of cancer. All I could say for days was Oh My God, Oh My God, Oh My God. There were follow-up tests run in May and one of them came back questionable. I followed up with supplementary tests which showed the former tumor was much smaller. After having the two test compared, I was told that the questionable spot was not obvious in the last test. I also at this time had blood work done which came back great.
Then in November 2011 there was supplementary blood work and someone else test run. The blood work came back fine however the test showed the imbalance had returned. After a duration of adjustment from the news I began focusing on nurturing, rest and rejuvenation. It is so easy to slip back into our old habits in whatever form they show up. I continue to have faith in nature's potential to heal. I accept what life offers as being for my best interest and knowing that this may not always be clear at the moment.
I have had many changes in my life. learning to embrace these changes with passion and fortitude has taught me the magic of living. My inner voice said, "reflect on your life changing blessings and feel the magic of life's Balance!"
Wheatgrass and Pathway To Wellness, Issue I, Cancer Imbalance, A Personal Journey No URLMy Links : Cheap Dimond Rings Best Home Brew Kit
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